Virtual Hang



Lowpass Frequency

Lowpass Resonance

Highpass Frequency

Highpass Resonance

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are keys that can be pressed while playing the Virtual Hang to modify the sound in real time. They're laid out in a logical grid to match the control panel. Each control has three shortcuts associated with it.

Shortcut Keys for Volume are 1, 2, and 3

Shortcut Keys for Pan are 4, 5, and 6

Shortcut Keys for Lowpass Frequency are Q, W, and E

Shortcut Keys for Lowpass Resonance are R, T, and Y

Shortcut Keys for Highpass Frequency are A, S, and D

Shortcut Keys for Highpass Resonance are F, G, and H

Tips & Tricks

Instrument Background

The Hang is an amazing musical instrument created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. If you enjoy the sound, please consider purchasing a real Hang from them. The name of their company is PANArt Hangbau AG. In the meantime, you can get the hang of the Hang here.

The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of steel glued together at the rim leaving the inside hollow to create a resonation effect. The top ("Ding") side has a center 'note' hammered into it and eight 'tone fields' hammered around the center. The bottom ("Gu") is a plain surface that has a tuned sound hole in the center. This opening combined with the air volume in the body of the Hang act as a resonator.


Tip: Luckily the Virtual Hang comes pre-tuned, and is not susceptible to changes of humidity, temperature, or barometric pressure. Nor is it likely to be affected much by excessive usage, extreme carelessness, or any other kind of negligence on your part. So relax, you don't ever have to worry about making sure it's in tune.

Tip: The Virtual Hang is modeled after a first generation Hang with an central Ding surrounded by eight tone fields. It is tuned to a D Hijaz kar scale, also known as the Persian Scale. This scale consists of the following notes: D, E flat, F sharp, G, A, B flat, C sharp. The tone fields span one full octave from D4 to D5 beginning at the bottom and alternating from left to right. The Ding is tuned to A3 which is a low fifth. The Gu side is currently not available.


Tip: To play the Virtual Hang, hover your pointer over the ding or sound fields. Move slowly to hear individual notes. Try moving in small circles over different areas to produce different arpeggios.

Tip: To make it sound more like traditional steel pans, drop the Lowpass Frequency, and boost the Highpass Frequency and Highpass Resonance. This will eliminate the lower resonating tones.


Tip: To get a nice sound hole modulation effect, try this. Use your mouse to strike some notes. While they are still ringing, press [A] and [S] repeatedly.

Tip: To get a stereo phased modulation effect, try this. First strike some notes. While they are still ringing, press [4] and [6] repeatedly. For a bit more subtlety with this effect, use [4] and [5], or [5] and [6].

Don't forget to relax, breath, smile, and have fun!

Virtual Hang is a Web Audio experiment by Middle Ear Media.

* Keep in mind you need Chrome or Safari for this to work!