Tag: MEM Core

  • Custom Guitar Pickups by Instrumental, LLC

    Instrumental is a small, high end electro-magnetic transducer company that designs and manufactures custom transducers for small guitar companies. In other words, Instrumental makes guitar pickups! This is the first client site to utilize (a slightly modified version of) my new WordPress Theme MEM Core.

  • Free WordPress Theme “MEM Core” released

    Word­Press is a pop­u­lar, open-source, Con­tent Man­age­ment Sys­tem built by hun­dreds of com­mu­nity vol­un­teers around the world. Although, I’ve been devel­op­ing Word­Press Themes for years, I finally got around to releas­ing my first free WordPress Theme for pub­lic use. I call it MEM Core which is short for “Middle Ear Media Core” because I plan…